Friday, August 14, 2009

Victory is Sweet!

What can I say ... WE ROCK!!

In a stunning reversal, John Scott, programming director of Green960, today announced the following in a new post on the station's blog earlier today:


"We have decided, effective Monday, to carry all THREE hours of the Thom Hartmann Program on radio. 3-6pm daily."


Three cheers!!

True, we didn't get exactly what we wanted, which was for Thom Hartmann to return to the radio live on Green960 from 9 to noon, weekdays. But we did accomplish our most important goal: assuring The Thom Hartmann Show a prominent and permanent place on the AM radio dial here in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I knew John Scott could be persuaded (but truthfully, I expected it to take a bit longer.)

To all those who posted comments supporting this effort on the Green960 blog, who wrote to the management of Green960, or who signed our petition to keep the nation's top-ranked progressive talk host on the air in America's most progressive radio market, we say a heartfelt "Thank you," and a great big "Well done!"

Most of all, thanks go to Susan, who was the instigator of this insurrection, who's idea it was to come together and to organize as Thom fans and Green960 listeners to get this job done. And together, all of us, we did get the job done.

So much for John Scott's "final" decision to cut Thom Hartmann from Green960's daily AM schedule! 

I think we'll all do well to remember this experience, and what we accomplished together, as we work to undo other awful decisions decreed by those in power as "final" and "unalterable."

Truly, this just goes to show that nothing is final, as long as a few committed individuals say otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. You've said it well, Chris!
    And you were absolutely right: John Scott was persaudable.
    It's been worth all the hard work, but we should stay vigilant. One never knows.
    Any more unpoular lineup changes on 960 must be met with equally fierce resistance.
    Meanwhile, as you say, we should savor the moment.
